FREE LifeBook

Yes, I want to organise my Financial Life

Welcome and get ready to document your financial life.

First thing to do to take control about your financial life is to be able to keep track of it.

Wouldn't it be great to have one document for all your important financial details?

The idea behind LIFEBook  is to have a single place where you can find any piece of your financial information. The majority of the information tracked in this book is financial in nature. Contained in this book is hopefully everything you will need at any time.

Information that can be saved in this book are:


Wills and trusts are very important, and realize this book does not replace them, but what about things that aren’t covered by them. What is the password to the deceased’s email account? What is the account number and contact information for insurance company or the retirement account? Where is last year’s tax return stored? These kinds of questions can be answered by this book.

However, it is not just to be used when dealing with the loss of a loved one. It also contains information that is called upon occasionally but hard to remember. Things like the addresses of all of your residences, the chasis number on your car, the address of that place you worked at one summer.

Now there are a lot of things to fill out here and a lot of information to gather. Don’t panic and don’t feel overwhelmed. Nobody says you have to get this done in a day, or a week even. Just take your time and fill out the forms as you have time. You should be able to fill out about one form a day and have the entire book finished in a month.

Each year, go through the book and make any changes that you need to. Print off additional sheets if the current ones are full or the changes are that significant. It is important to keep the book as up to date as possible as you never know when you will need some of that information.

Finally, it should be obvious, but make certain others know about this book and where you keep it. Also since it contains a lot of confidential information, be sure to safeguard its location in some manner. At the very least, please password protect the file. The Excel password is not hack-proof, but better to have some protection than nothing at all.

Some of the topics covered are:

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